Infant dental care and teething are important to understand since a baby's teeth and mouth start developing during the first six months of life. It's best practice to understand baby teeth development, dental hygiene tips, and relief methods for pain while teething. Here are some tips and facts about infant dental care and teething that you should be aware of.
From when you bring your little one home from the hospital, it’s recommended to begin brushing their gums with a soft washcloth or toothbrush. This helps them get used to having someone care for their mouth and with sensation on their gums.Once the first baby tooth appears, it is advised that parents use a baby toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste designed specifically for infants — those formulas typically do not contain fluoride yet.
Although beneficial for adults, too much fluoride can actually damage developing tooth enamel in children under six years old. For babies under 12 months of age, it is recommended that water does not have added fluoride until more research has been conducted. If you have access to unfluoridated water for your baby’s feedings and sipping throughout the day this could be advantageous until more studies have been completed on young children consuming fluoridated water
There are some natural remedies parents can try if their infant experiences severe pain due to teething or gum discomfort – lots of which can be found right in your kitchen! Chilled cucumbers or chamomiles tea bags gently pressed on the cheek may help sooth discomfort an intense pressured feeling as well as providing nutrition such as antioxidants, vitamins A & C in cucumbers or antioxidants + minerals in herbs like chamomile.
Even though primary (baby) teeth will eventually fall out they still need proper care just like permanent adult teeth do! In general pediatric offices recommend check-ups every six to twelve months starting at around two years old to ensure oral health maintenance as well as early education about proper oral hygiene habits — including diet & flossing etc.. Dental visits at this age establish trust between parent/child which prepares them further when they grow-up into adulthood with better habits!